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We have performed a comparative analysis of magnetic resonance mammography (MRM) and traditional methods of diagnostics in detection of multifocal and multicentric kinds of breast cancer (BC) growth in 21 patients with difficult anatomy structure of mammary gland (MG) Breast-conserving surgery has been already planned for all these patients

Complex diagnostics included ultrasound(US), X-ray mammography (XRM), MRM with contrast enhancement, diagnostic needle biopsy Minimal size of identified breast tumors on the base of XRM data was 7 mm, ultrasound - 4 mm, at MR mammography - 2 mm XRM and US have detected multifocal tumor growth only in 1 case (5%). MRM revealed multifocal and multicentric tumor growth in 9 (43%) and 4 (19%) patients respectively According to revealed data the volume of surgical treatment has changed: 10 patients (48%) underwent radical resection, 10 (48%) mastectomy and 1 (5%) - partial resection

According to the conducted research it has been revealed that preoperative MR mammography is necessary for treatment planning in patients with breast cancer to avoid cancer recurrence after breast-conserving surgery.  



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